Wednesday, August 2, 2017

June Eclectic

Week 2 of the Eclectic wrapped up with top players dropping 12 strokes on average and knocking off as many as 22 strokes. Low net scores were carded by Mike Cahaley 57 and Bob Postle 59. Congratulations Gentlemen!

The NCGA Net Amateur Tournament
First round low net score qualifiers:
1.Sang Jinnet 67
2.Jeff Collinsnet 68
3.Dave Webbnet 68
4.Mike Cahaleynet 69

4.Bob Kaswennet 70
4.Pete Pappasnet 70
4.Jeff Stanganet 70

Eclectic Results

Flight #1rnd #1rnd #2place
Sang Jin67601
Pete Pappas70622
Joe Claridge74633
Bob Alustiza71644
Jeff DeRoza77655
Flight #2rnd #1rnd #2place
Jeff Stanga70611
Michael Blas79612
Kent Grave79633
Craig Matthews73644
Gary Paul80645
Flight #3rnd #1rnd #2place
Mike Cahaley69571
Dave Webb68612
Phil Holderbein80613
Jeff Collins68634
Bob Norton81655
Flight #4rnd #1rnd #2place
Bob Postle81591
Bob Kaswen70602
Jay O'Gorman76623
Ray Geisick76634
Bob Twaddle71645

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? This month we take another look at Lost Balls. While you’re in RulesRRules, look up past Rules articles in the Rules Archive and use the new USGA Rules Quick-Links to look up all the current rules of Golf. It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Eclectic Round #1, Week of June 14
Closest to the pin #8
Garth Watrous15' 1/2"
Sang Jin15' 7"
John Watson19' 11"
Breese White21' 4"
Closest to the pin #12
Jorgen Hagglof5' 9"
Jay O'Gorman8' 1/4"
Garth Watrous8' 1"
Jeff Collins8' 4"
Eclectic Round #2, Week of June 21
Closest to the pin #8
Garth Watrous8' 2"
Brad Ryno8' 11"
Jay O'Gorman10' 5"
Jeff Collins10' 9"
Closest to the pin #12
Mike Cloward7' 6"
Tim Carl11' 9"
Gary Watrous12' 2"
Steve Goldstein12' 3"

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