Monday, December 5, 2016

Toys for Tots

Once again our own Lisa Tate has organized the Toys for Tots drive and she's asking for your help. Next time you're in the clubhouse be sure to bring a toy and drop it in the barrel outside the pro shop. Don't have a toy and you're unwilling to brave Toys R Us this time of year? No problem, Lisa has also put out a jar for cash donations. Either way, you'll be making sure some little boy or girl's Christmas is a whole lot brighter this year.

This is the 5th year that Lisa has coordinated Seascape gift giving with the Toys for Tots folks. The toys go to local orphanages, foster homes, churches and needy families in the area. And with your generosity last year, we donated over $800 in toys to children all around Santa Cruz.

So bring a new toy in, make sure it's not wrapped and Lisa asks that we steer clear of guns and other fighting toys.

Thank you for your generous support and Happy Holidays to everyone!

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