Monday, December 5, 2016

Annual Turkey Shoot

Once again the featheries were flying at our Annual Turkey Shoot. Congratulations to the flight winners and to all the teams who took home a Turkey.
Flight #1Score
1.Gary Elia/Jim Walt60
2.John Watson/Casey Ramback64
3.Tom McNary/Matt Ryan65
4.Brad Ryno/Ron Lindsay65
Flight #2Score
1.Gary Bruckner/Jeff Stanga62
2.Gary Paul/Mike Cloward64
3.Pete Pappas/Danny Braga66
4.Fred O'Hara/John Camarena66
Flight #3Score
1.Franz Vaiarello/Bill Daitchman62
2.Jim Boulware/Jim Geesman64
3.Jeff Scaletti/Sean Jiggins64
4.James Baker/Keith Rushing64
Flight 4Score
1.Bob McCormick/Russ Nicholson63
2.Bary Baker/Craig Matthews65
3.Jay O'Gorman/Bob Alustiza65
4.Jon Twaddle/Bob Twaddle67
Flight #5Score
1.Mike Cahaley/Grant Butcher63
2.Andy Forget/Dan Roton63
3.Luc Gagne/Bob Postle68
4.John Noce/Tom Kirker68

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? Before you make an appointment with the eye doctor, see if you can answer the quiz questions. Are you still seeing spots?. While you’re in RulesRRules, look up past Rules articles in the Rules Archive and use the new USGA Rules Quick-Links to look up all the current rules of Golf. It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Sang Jin1' 1"
Garth Watrous3' 8"
Frank Vickner4' 8"
Gary Elia6' 1"
Closest to the pin #12
Mike Cahaley4' 4"
Bob Alustiza6' 9"
Gary Lovell9' 10"
Bob Postle11' 10"

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