Friday, June 12, 2015

Pappas, Sayous, Cloward and Kluger to Represent ASMC at NCGA Net Amateur

The 2-round Individual Eclectic started of with several players going low to win spots in the NCGA 2015 Net Amateur Tournament. Leading the pack was Pete Pappas who shot an inspired 64 topping the list of qualifiers. Bobby Sayous turned in a 65 as did Mike Cloward and Matt Kluger filled the qualifying 4-man team with a 66. Our 2 alternates were lead by Jeff DeRoza who also shot 66 but placed after Matt following a back 9 card-off. Jeff was followed by Jin Sang who turned in a 67. Steve Perez and Bill Camplbell also shot 67 but placed behind Jin in card-offs. Congratulations to our qualifiers and alternates. The sectional will be held on 9/17 at a site to be determined. The Championship will be played on 10/12 and 10/13 at Poppy Ridge.

NCGA 2015 Net Amateur QualifiersNet Score
1.Pete Pappas64
2.Bobby Sayous65
3.Mike Cloward65
4.Matt Kluger66

NCGA 2015 Net Amateur AlternatesNet Score
1.Jeff DeRoza66
2.Jin Sang67
• All ties decided by "Card-Off" Method

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? Be sure to read the whole story including the mind-numbing question, the correct answer and the USGA rules that apply! It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Mike Cloward8' 7"
Paul Sanders8' 9"
Pete Pappas9' 0"
John Twaddle11' 7"
Closest to the pin #12
Bobby Sayous1' 10"
Michael Blaz2' 0"
Mike Cloward2' 9"
Steve Rodriguez2' 9-1/2"

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