Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June Eclectic Brings Sizzling Scores

Week 2 of the Eclectic wrapped up today with players dropping over 9 strokes on average and knocking off as many as 25 strokes. Top honors went to Mike Beebe 60, Pete Pappas 56, Bill Campbell 57, Jeff Stanga 63 and Steve Olson 61. Congratulations Gentlemen! We look forward to seeing everyone in July for the “39” (AKA CHICAGO).

Eclectic Results

Flight #1rnd #1rnd #2place
Mike Beebe71601
Sang Jin67612
Stephen Perez67613
Jeff DeRoza66624
Bob McCormick70625
Bill Halward69626
Flight #2rnd #1rnd #2place
Pete Pappas64561
Joe Claridge69592
Dave Webb71623
Jim Geesman69634
Matt Kluger66635
Don Urfer74646
Flight #3rnd #1rnd #2place
Bill Campbell67571
Mike Cloward65612
Gary Paul72613
Danny Braga72624
Michael Blas79635
Breese White73636
Flight #4rnd #1rnd #2place
Jeff Stanga71631
Phil Holderbein76642
Jeff Collins80653
Greg Brougham69664
Bob Norton80665
Gary Lovell70666
Flight #5rnd #1rnd #2place
Steve Olson74611
Bob Twaddle69622
John Noce73643
Dick Staniford75654
Bill Ruxton91665
Tom Kirker79676

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Mike Beebe3' 10"
Gary Lovell4' 4-1/2"
Jeff DeRoza8' 0"
Bobby Sayous10' 8"
Closest to the pin #12
Curtis Smith4' 1"
Leo Espinoza5' 5"
Marc Darrow5' 8"
Sang Jin9' 8"

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