Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Braga-Ramos and Olson-Olson Win Holiday Mixer

The rain that had been forecast for the Dec. 12 ASMC Holiday Mixer never hit in full force and 40 co-ed teams competed in two flights, with Danny Braga and Beth Ramos, 66, winning the first flight and Steve and Pat Olson, 66, carrying the second flight.

The format this year involved each player hitting a drive, players hitting their partner’s second shot, then choosing which second shot to use and the pair playing alternate shot from there in. Each team got a partial handicap.

In the first flight, others who placed were Tim Carl and Shelly James, 67; Brad Ryno and Ginger Ramsey, 68; Leon Johnson and Gail Heit, 69; Wayne Vanderlan and Anita Sciutto, 69.

Other second light winners were Wayne and Jane Fort, 70; Richard and Pat Valdivia, 71; Steve Goldstein and Betty Forts, 71; Bob and Loni Gadsby, 73.

Closest-to-the-pin winners on No. 8 were Danny Braga and Beth Ramos; Ron Lindsay and Terry Richardson; Phil Trounstine and Patty Stepovich. On No. 12, CTP shooters were Danny Braga and Kathy Moler; Phil Trounstine and Many Ann Johnson; Steve Olson and Jane Fort.

Everyone agreed that Tournament Chairman Gary Lovell did a terrific job of rounding up so many ladies to compete in our tournament. ASMC thanks all the women who contributed

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