Monday, February 20, 2012

Ryno, Braga, DeBernardo and Geisick Win Flights in February Tourney

Frank DeBernardo shot a blistering net 64 to become top qualifier for the NCGA Zone tournament, joined by Glenn Taylor (67), Brad Ryno (68) and Shanne Carvalho (68), who posted the best net scores and had handicaps low enough to qualify for NCGA tournament play.
Ryno won the first flight, followed by Steve Rodrigues, Jerry Woods, Michael Wade, Bill Hlaward and Phil Trounstine.
Danny Braga won the second flight, with a net 71, followed by Joe Claridge, John Reisdorf, Gerry Catalano, David Webb and Pete Pappas.
DeBernardo, Taylor and Carvalho were the top finishers in the third flight, followed by Rodd Doerr, Jorgen Hagglof and Tim Carl.

In the fourth flight, Ray Geisick took top honors with 68, followed by Breese White, John MacDonald, Mike Howley, Don Bonnel and Jim Morris. Because of the NCGA's maximum handicap requirements, players in the fourth flight were not eligible for the zone tournament.

Closest to the pin honors on #8 went to Bill Halward,  Barry Baker and Mike Beebe. On #12 the winners were Danny Braga (1 foot!) Jim Geesman and Dave Schulz.

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