Sunday, February 19, 2012

ASMC March 21st Tournament

The next ASMC tournament will be the "ABCD Blind Draw Shamble" -- a four-man team event in which the two best net scores on each hole will count, scheduled for March 21.

The field of sign-ups will be listed by course handicap and divided by four to create A, B, C and D groups. Each team will include one player from each handicap group, chosen by blind draw. Everyone will play at 90% of their handicap.

Each player will hit a drive on each hole and the team will pick which drive to play from and then all players will play their own ball from there though the hole. Teams must use at least three drives from each player over the course of the 18 holes. The two best net scores on each hole will determine the team's score. Prizes will also we awarded for closest to the hole on #8 and #12.

As usual, the cost is $15 per player. Players may sign up on the bulletin board in the club house or by sending an email to

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