Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RIP: Our Friend Jack Wirth

From Bob Tomasi [sent out as an email last month]

It is with great sadness and heavy heart that I have to announce that longtime, beloved member of ASMC, Jack Wirth, passed away on November 23rd at 1:30 in the afternoon.  Those of you that had the pleasure, make that the honor, of playing with Jack over the years know that he was a true gentleman, one of the nicest people I have ever met, and a damn good golfer also.

In early November, while Jack was in hospice care, at 4:00 AM, he requested his granddaughter to copy down what he had to say.  I enclose his message, addressed to ASMC members, here:

To all my golfing buddies,              

The basic idea is to thank them for being such good friends for so many years and uh hell, tell them how much I appreciate them putting up with me all those years and the doctors only give me so much time maybe eight weeks or less. I will miss you guys and hope we may play again.  I will be glad to get this hair cut so I will be presentable for my wife. [Dad's granddaughter cut his hair for him the following day]. 

Love,  John (Jack) Wirth

While we celebrate Thanksgiving today, please take a moment to remember Jack in your prayers.  If you knew Jack, and had the chance to play a round or two with him, then you can be thankful for having had Jack touch your life in some small way.  He now joins his wife, who also passed earlier this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jack’s family.

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