Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Mixer a Big Success

The ASMC 2011 Holiday Mixer on Dec. 14 drew 36 co-ed teams, with Bob McCormick and Kathy Moler winning the first flight with a net 62 and Ray Apolskis and Kikue Wakamiya winning the second flight with a sizzling net 59.

Other winners in the first flight were Cindy and Barry Baker, 66; Billy Klinkefus and Robin Gaither, 66; Jim Geesman and Kim Belliveau, 67; Brad Ryno and Ginger Ramsey, 67; and Brenda and John Holquin, 68.

Other second flight winners were Monika and Art Cooke, 67; Lani and Bob Gadsby, 67; Deb and Ed Arredonda, 67; Beverly and Ed Dueck, 69; and Mary Ann and Sam Johnson, 71.

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