Saturday, August 21, 2010

"THANK YOU" Summer Social Players & Guests

Just a note to thank the staff at Seascape, volunteers, our members and guests who made our 1st Annual Summer Golf & Social a big success. The day started off with the “Great American 2- Hole Putting Contest”. With a big & loud gallery looking on…it was an all ladies top finish. First place went to Robin Gaither who was the only one in the field to find the hole. Her 5-points gave her top honors, with Sharon Layne, Ginger Ramsey and Vickie Oliver tying for 2nd place with 3-points. On the golf side of things in the 9-hole Chapman-Scotch alternating shot format, the team of Bruce McCombs and Suzie Duarte beat out Scott Humphreys and new ASMC member Marten Touw in a card off, for a net score of 30. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed cocktails and dinner along with their favorite tunes of yester year, meeting and mingling with the old and new faces around the club. The feedback was great and we look forward to planning our next event.

The Women's 18 Hole group and the Seagals did a great job getting support for this tournament. It was really fun seeing so many from all three organizations mingling and laughing about their golf stories. We may offer marriage counseling for a few.

We welcome your suggestions for future events as, at the end of the day, this is “Our” club and thanks again to those of you who came out to support this fun event! TELL A FRIEND!

Sincerely we remain,
Craig “MC-M” Matthews & Scott “DJ Homefries” Humphreys

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