Thursday, October 4, 2018

Brief of Proposed New Event: “The President’s Cup”

This new ASMC competition is intended to encourage greater participation in ASMC tournaments through the potential of gaining acceptance into a season-ending elite match play competition that will culminate with the winner of The President’s Cup. By nature, this will further stimulate the competitive desires of our members as well as add excitement to the end of season events.

The following are suggested format and details, which are to be discussed and refined as deemed so by the ASMC Board of Directors.

Format: Match Play tournament consisting of the top 16 final ranked players as ranked by the ASMC Player of the Year standings.
Brackets: Players shall be seeded by final Player of the Year standing (1 plays 16, 2 plays 15, etc.)

Schedule: Play shall begin on 4 October and be concluded by 14 November. Specific time between matches TBD, but should be no longer than 10 days. Round 1 shall be on Wednesday 4 October in consecutive tee times.

Fees: No fees shall be charged the participants. This is intended to be a reward for those qualified.

Awards: An engraved Cup shall be awarded to the winner by the ASMC Board of Directors. (Considering a perpetual trophy with each year’s winner’s name on it. Need a place in the clubhouse to keep it.)

This competition is expected to require some administration but should be designed to not be a burden.
Some considerations:

  • The current Player of the Year award shall remain in place as is. So, a member could achieve an ASMC Grand Slam, whether it be a same year or career slam. That would be winning a Flight Championship for the Spring Medal tournament, winning a Flight Championship for the Club Championship tournament, Player of the Year Award, and winning The President’s Cup.
  • Brackets would need to be established and posted.
  • Posting the brackets on the board per usual and an email to the affected winning players to begin scheduling their next match within the time limit of completion. Communication on match play results will be important for notifying players to initiate tee times for their next match with deadlines known.
  • Suggestion, it would be great to also have the bracket and results posted on our website. This would drive more players to use our website and be up to date on The President’s Cup matches. This may encourage viewership by members. Email blasts to all members on results would enhance this.
  • Once a player advances, the next time period for scheduling his next match shall begin when his next opponent advances. Thus, if two players that are slated to potentially play each other advance before the 10 days has expired, then their 10 days to finish their match begins immediately upon the completion of the last match of that grouping. This would keep the event moving along quicker.
  • We will need a tie-breaker process for determining the top 16 players and in rank order. Recommend the following: 1) Points earned in September Club Championship; 2) Points earned in April Spring Medal; 3) Sum of points earned in last three ASMC tournaments (July, August, Sept); 4} last 6 tournaments; 5) last 9 ASMC tournaments.
Jeff Stanga

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, we do have last year's President's Cup bracket posted on our site ( and plan to post the results each year. The President's cup is a great tournament for the competitive aspect of our club and a great addition to our club schedule.
