Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December Mix it Up

The annual Mix it Up tournament is a 2-man event that features rotating tees on the front 9 and then alternate shot on the back 9. Congratulations to Brent Mays and Garth Watrous who teamed up to shoot the low round of the day: 61; and to all the flight winners. Happy Holidays!
Flight #1Score
1.Brent Mays/Garth Watrous61
2.Tom McNary/Matthew Ryan68
3.Ron Lindsay/Brad Ryno68
4.Phil Trounstine/Bob Leininger69
Flight #2Score
1.Michael Blas/Pete Porfido64
2.Danny Braga/Pete Pappas68
3.Mark Hogue/Jeff Stanga68
4.Bob Norton/Joe Claridge71
Flight #3Score
1.Craig Matthews/Barry Baker68
2.Bob Twaddle/Jim Geesman73
3.Bruce Driggs/Gary Watrous73
4.Rick Bean/George Williams74
Flight 4Score
1.Dave Black/Dave Webb63
2.Ray Apolskis/Devon Salter66
3.Bob McCormick/Russ Nicholson68
4.Ray Geisick/Dick Staniford70

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? This month we find Tiger between a rock and a hard place while dealing with a Loose Impediment. While you’re in RulesRRules, look up past Rules articles in the Rules Archive and use the new USGA Rules Quick-Links to look up all the current rules of Golf. It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Ted Kosciolek
John Watson
Garth Watrous
Bill Miller
Closest to the pin #12
Danny Braga
Brad Ryno
Bobby Sayous
Rick Bean

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