Friday, July 17, 2015

Chicago "39" keeps the competition lively!

Chicago "39" is a format that takes players' handicaps into account to balance the competition while keeping the round interesting because each hole is an opportunity to win points. Though some play with no penalty for blow-ups, this year the tournament committee wisely docked 1pt. for triple bogey or worse. That kept us working hard even to save double bogey!

Congratulations to our top tier winners: Corey Peterson +4, Jim Walt +4, Ron Lindsay +3, Don Schwartz +3 and Steve Olsen +1.

Flight #1Score
1.Corey Peterson+4
2.Paul Chan Lee+3
3.Jeff DeRoza+1
4.John Watson+1
5.Brad Ryno+1
6.Gary Bruckner-2
Flight #2Score
1.Jim Walt+4
2.Phil Trounstine+1
3.Don Urfer-1
4.Dave Webb-2
5.Michael Coyle-2
6.Frank Paz-4
Flight #3Score
1.Ron Lindsay+3
2.Craig Matthews-2
3.Jim Goscimniski-2
4.Gary Paul-3
5.Bill Campbell-6
6.Jim Geesman-6
Flight #4Score
1.Don Schwartz+3
2.Tim Carl+1
3.Michael Blaz+1
4.Gary Lovell+1
5.Jeff Stanga-2
6.Jeff Collins-2
Flight #5Score
1.Steve Olsen+1
2.David Moore0
3.John DeWorken-2
4.Richard Wameling-3
5.Bob Kaswen-3
6.John Cranston-3

All ties decided by "Card-Off" Method

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? Check out this months Q&A with special guest Danny Noonan introducing our Rules topic. It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Mike Beebe4' 3-1/2"
Joe Guttadauro6' 5"
Gary Paul7' 6-1/2"
Bob Twaddle12' 8"
Closest to the pin #12
Craig Mattews1' 3"
Bob McCormick3' 3-3/4"
Frank Paz4' 1"
Jim Geesman4' 2-1/2"

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