Sunday, November 16, 2014

Geisick and Staniford Card Best Net overall in November's Turkey Shoot

Ray Geisick and Dick Saniford of the Fourth Flight shot a sizzling 60 for the lowest two-man net in the November Turkey Shoot tournament, followed closely by former ASMC President Bob Tomasi and Phil Trounstine in the Second Flight with a net 61.

First Flight winners were Mike Coyle and Steve Rodrigues with a 63 and Third Flight champs Peter Porfido and Michael Blaz with a 62.

Here are the final results by flight (not including all the matches where two-man teams won a "turkey" -- actually a gift certificate at Deluxe Foods:

Flight #1:
  1. Mike Coyle & Steve Rodriquez, 63
  2. Teddy Kosciolek & Bobby Sayous, 63
  3. Dave Tavarez & Al Fernandes, 64
  4. Bryan Sanny & John Camarena, 64
  5. Mike Beebe  & Joe Claridge, 65  
Flight #2:

  1. Phil Trounstine & Bob Tomasi, 61
  2. Gary Paul & Mike Cloward, 65
  3. Keith Rushing & James Baker, 65
  4. Jeff Scaletti & Matt Ryan, 66
  5. Gary Bruckner & Breese White, 66 
 Flight #3:

  1. Peter Porfido & Michael Blaz,  62
  2. Jay O'Gorman & Bob Alustiza, 63
  3. Gary Lovel & Gerry Catalano, 64
  4. William Miller & Don Hanson, 65
  5. Jim Morris & Jim Gosciminski, 65 
 Flight #4:

  1. Ray Geisick & Dick Staniford, 60
  2. Paul McGillicuddy & Mike Howley, 62
  3. Rodd Doerr & John Cranston, 62
  4. Craig Matthews &Barry Baker, 63
  5. Jeff Collins & Steve Olson , 66 
Closest-to-the-hole winners were:

#8: Don Hanson, Brad Ryno, Mike Oliver 

#12: Mike Beebe, Joe Claridge, Teddy Kosciolek

#16 (The Second Harvest Fund Raiser.  Donation of $10 & you move up to Silver Tees) 
 Breeze White, Fred O'Hara, Mike Howley

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