Thursday, November 21, 2013

Adopt-a-Hole Program Coming Next Year

The ASMC Board of Directors has approved a plan to creat an Adopt-a-Hole program in the coming year in hopes of further encouraging players to repair divots, rake sand traps, pick up trash and generally participate in keeping the golf course in top shape.

The idea is NOT to take the place of the Seascape Golf Course grounds crew, which remains responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the gold course. The object is to further encourage what everyone ought to be doing already, but in a more concentrated way.

When the program's signs are up, they'll announce at each hole which portion of the ASMC membership is assigned to a particular hole. While members should continue to fill divots, fix pitch marks, rake traps, etc. throughout the course, they'll also have one hole on which they'll have a special responsibility to do the right thing.

Here's the tentative breakdown of the course, alphabetically divided. Players whose last name begins with the letter A, for example, will "adopt" Hole #1. Players with last names from Ba to Bl will "adopt" Hole #2.

Hole  Last Name Begins With ...
1        A
2        Ba-Bl
3        Bo-Bu
4        Ca-Ci
5        Cl-Cr
6        D
7        E-F
8        G
9        H
10      I-K
11      L
12      Ma
13      Mc-Mu
14      N-O
15      P-Q
16      R
17      S
18      T-Z

So, for example, ASMC President Danny Braga would put special effort into Hole #3 while Tournament Chairman Steve Olson would pay special attention to Hole #14.

There's nothing stopping you from starting right now. It has worked at clubs throughout the US and we think it will improve everyone's experience here.

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