Friday, January 15, 2010

Hadley, Stobaugh, Twaddle Win Flights in January

The rains broke, the sun burst through and 7-handicapper John Hadley shot a blistering net 65 to take top honors in the first flight in January's individual tournament and NCGA South Zone Qualifier.

Second place in the first flight was grabbed by Cameron Hanson, a 3-handicapper, who also shot 72, for a net 69.

Allen Stobaugh, with an 18 handicap, turned in a net 63 to win the second flight, followed by 16-handicapper Bob Tomasi with a net 69.

Third flight winner was 23-stroker Bob Twaddle, with a net 69, followed by Sid Martin with a net 70.

NCGA qualifiers based on low gross were Hadley and Hanson, with Scott Humphreys as first alternate. Based on low net the qualifiers were Stobaught and Tomasi, with Jack Wirth as first alternate.

Other money winners in the first flight were Ron Lindsay, Tom McNary and Matt Ryan; in the second flight, Jack Wirth, Bob Norton and Bill Campbell; and in the third flight, Tony Riccabona, Don Schwartz and Dick Staniford.

Closest-to-the-pin honors on #8 were Jorgen Hagglof, Kris Reyes and Craig Matthews, and on #12, Sig Martin, Ron Lindsay and Glenn Taylor.

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