Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trounstine, Paz, May Win Flights in Spring Medal

Phil Trounstine, Frank Paz and Jack Marshall won their flights in the two-day Spring Medal tournament in April.

Craig Matthews came in second in the First Flight behind Trounstine, followed by Tom McNary, Mike Oliver, Scott Humphreys and Jerry Woods.

After Paz in the Second Flight came Ben DeMarco, Rodd Doerr, Gary Lovell, Allen Stobaugh and Mike Cloward.

In the third Flight, after Marshall, came Charlie May, Sid Martin, Bob Twaddle, Ferd LaRocca and Don Bonnel.

In Round One, closest shooters were Jim Geesman, Tony Riccabona and Danny Braga on No. 8 and John Christenson, Scott Humphreys and Mike Wade on No. 12.

In Round Two, closest honors on No. 8 went to Bob Tomasi, Frank Paz and John Peterson; and on No. 12 to Danny Braga, Jerry Woods, Scott Humphreys and Phil Trounstine (tie).

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