Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Low Went Lower in the 4-Ball Eclectic Final Round

Good weather and great course conditions yielded the opportunity to do some real damage on last week's first round scores. A shout out to Jim Geesman and Gary Lovell who knocked 8 more strokes off last week's score to turn in a tournament low 54! Let's also offer kudos to Joe Guttadauro and Bill Daitchman who scored a net 56 and to Stephen Perez and Jay Karafa who finished with a 58.
Flight #1Score
1.Stephen Perez/Jay Karafa58
2.Paul Sanders/Sean Jiggins59
3.Gary Bruckner/Paul Lee60
Flight #2Score
1.Jim Geesman/Gary Lovell54
2.Gary Paul/Michael Cloward57
3.Jim Gosciminski/Jim Morris58
Flight #3Score
1.Joe Guttadauro/Bill Daitchman56
2.Rich Lakely/Dave Webb58
3.Breese White/Dave Black59

Rules Challenge

How did you do on the Rules Challenge today? This month we go looking for our lost ball. Maybe we should have hit a provisional? While you’re in RulesRRules, look up past Rules articles in the Rules Archive and use the new USGA Rules Quick-Links to look up all the current rules of Golf. It's all there in “Rules R Rules”.

Target Practice

This month's precision players...
Closest to the pin #8
Breese White9' 2"
Gary Paul9' 6"
Stephen Perez10' 3"
Closest to the pin #12
Phil Trounstine9' 0"
Paul Lee9' 0"
Danny Braga10' 8"
Closest to the Pin prizes were awarded for rounds 1 and 2 at the conclusion of the tournament